The most asked questions about RELX Pod

The most asked questions about RELX Pod

What’s the expiration date for a RELX pod?

Answer: 18 months

RELX Pods have a shelf life of 18 months. However, once it opened, we recommend that you finish the pod within 15 days for the best taste.


Has my RELX Pod gone bad if the flavour has faded?

Answer: No. It is normal for the flavour to fade after a couple of days of usage, but it does not mean the e-liquid has gone bad.

This is because the flavourings in e-liquid are composed of small molecules become volatile and the flavour then fades.


When do RELX Pods taste the best?

Answer: The ‘fresh taste’ period of a RELX Pod lasts for 3 days. Similar to soda losing its fizz, a pod might experience flavour fading if it is opened for too long. However, this is normal and does not mean the pod has gone bad.

This is because of our efforts in balancing safety and good taste.


Why can’t you make flavours last longer?

Answer: This is because of safety concerns. Flavour fixatives*, for example, extend the flavour performance, but the scientists at RELX Lab have found them to be potentially harmful during vaporization, and hence we do not put them in our flavours.

*A substance similar to food preservatives.

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